InstaBeauty – Makeup Selfie Cam

Risk Score
Low - Medium

App Details

InstaBeauty - Makeup Selfie Cam is a professional selfie camera which allows the user to edit their selfies. It includes over 100 filters and makeup styles and enables users to eliminate facial features such as freckles or spots, or enhance desirable features (such as whiten teeth or define eyebrows). Once the user has their perfect picture, they can upload the iamge to their social media.

Why is it a risk?

This app contains a large amount of pop-up advertisements that could redirect users onto potentially risky external sites. Recent app reviews complain about the constant appearance of these (often malicious) adverts which direct users to makeup retailer websites, or falsely imply that the user has a virus on their device. Aside from the risks posed by malicious advertising, the app itself isn't inherently dangerous. However the nature of the app is encourage users to focus on the ways in which they can improve and edit their natural appearance, in order to post manufactured, perfect and beautiful images online. Whilst relatively harmless, the app may encourage unhealthy attitudes in relation to self-confidence and self-esteem (particularly for young, vulnerable, insecure or impressionable users).
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