
Risk Score

App Details

Facebook is a social network which allows users to create a page about themselves. Features include photo sharing, content sharing, and live streaming. It uses both a website and an App, the App is called Facebook Messenger.

Why is it a risk?

Facebook is the most likely network to have underage users. In one research study, nearly 50% of children and young people who reviewed Facebook and Facebook Messenger thought that it can be risky. Talking to strangers, public profiles, a lack of privacy and the accessibility of disturbing videos are some of the reasons why children may feel uncomfortable on this social network. Further, Facebook can record a user's location data even when the app isn’t open.

1.10.2019 There is something strange going on, a commentary on a New York Times article here

17.9.2019 The Catastrophic effects of being a facebook moderator, Guardian article here.

22.8.2019 - How to stop Facebook from tracking your web browsing history, Independent article here.

26.6.2019 Facebook turning off in-app notifications, Verge article here.

25.6.2019 - To find out all the information Facebook has on you, click here.

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