Clash of Clans
Risk Score
Medium - High
App Details
This is a combat strategy game. Players build a village, raise a clan and compete in clan wars. Features solo play and multi-play, where players can join together to grow and improve their clans. Minimum age requirement of 13 years, and contains mild violence.
Why is it a risk?
Clash of Clans allows users to chat and interact with other players from across the world, and so there is a high possibility that children will be exposed to inappropriate language, profanity and hostility. Worryingly, there have been reports of sexual predators using the game to initiate dialogue with young children. When users form and enter into "clans", they have access to an open, unmoderated in-clan chat feature which cannot be disabled. It is important that parents monitor this social aspect of the game; adjust location settings; and ensure that the child knows how to block/report unwanted contact. Some parents have suggested setting a rule whereby children are only allowed to form clans with friends known in real life (for instance, school friends), and a parent then volunteers to create an account and join the clan in order to monitor the chat. A further concern is the global chat feature. This is an "all-in" chat feature where all players can communicate freely (subject to a few mild filters and community rules). This feature is easily accessible by children and cannot be disabled. It is important to teach your child not to share personal information in such forums. Further concerns raised by parents in relation to this game include pricey in-app purchases, and it's addictive nature. The app does not "sleep" and so will send notifications to entice users back into the game.